Monday, October 10, 2011

Media Training-Intense!

Just over two years ago when I “discovered” Dove Chocolate Discoveries™ online, I knew I was on to something big.  I couldn’t believe there was such thing as a chocolate tasting party, let alone, people who were paid to conduct the parties.  Not to mention the brand was Dove® which had an unparalleled reputation for being top-notch.  I literally felt like I had won the career lottery!  I started my chocolate career with the idea that I just wanted to have fun and bring a little happiness into people’s lives by sharing with them exclusive chocolates they couldn’t buy anywhere else.  Fast forward two years later and there are many days I wake up and think, “Is this all real?”  When I started my business I never dreamed it would take me down such an amazing path with opportunities I never could have imagined.

One of those opportunities happened recently when I had the chance to represent the company on a national media public relations campaign.  To prepare for the live tv and radio segments we each had to take a media training class.  It was one of the most intense things I have done!  We had to craft our message into a 1-minute commercial.  Now, I have been doing elevator speeches for years and have done both live and recorded tv segments but there were times during training that I wondered if I would even be able to get my name out on camera!  I went in confident of speaking in front of anyone to wondering if I could even remember my own name when asked. 

What had training done to me?  Would I be able to get thru the interviews?  Would I remember my name?  Would I deliver my message?  What if the reporter asked a tough question?  What if I goofed up?  What if I froze?  Would my hair look flat?  Yep, flat hair was covered in media training.  Yikes!

I was mentally exhausted when the day was over and was in bed at 8:30pm.  By 12:30am I was wide awake and woke myself up rehearsing my message but most importantly wondering who my hairstylist would be that day.  Would she be able to cure my flat hair?  Would I have big 80’s hair?  Would I look like me?  What was I going to wear?  At least if I totally froze on camera and forgot my name, I wanted to look ok doing it!  Again, exhausted I rolled back over and went back to sleep.

I had a week to rehearse my speech, some new clothes but no idea what I was going to do with my flat hair………      

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