Tuesday, October 18, 2011

3-2-1 Action!

Our day of live media interviews began at a very early 4am.  Considering it was 4am EST, it was really 3am for me and was my second day in a row of getting up before dawn.  It was the opportunity of a lifetime so I decided the lack of sleep would be worth it.  But now I not only had to worry about my flat hair but worry about the bags under my eyes.  Oh yeah, and then there was the whole message I had to be sure and deliver on camera. 

We arrived at the home office test kitchen at 5:30am with no make-up as instructed.  We all made a pact that no photos would be taken until after hair and make-up.  There were people buzzing all around, a huge satellite truck out front, people running around like it was a major production.  Oh wait, it was!  We would be live all across the country in just 2 hours!

I was second in the chair for hair and make-up.  I carefully instructed the stylist, Elizabeth, that I needed some “puff” in my hair.  She was amazing.  As we chatted I learned that she had been an art student and had done sculpture and painting.  Whew!  Sculpt my hair into a masterpiece, please!  We chatted about clients she had done before and I had my second diva moment of the event when I learned I was being made up by someone who had also made up Bill Clinton, Margaret Thatcher, and a number of celebrities.  My first diva moment came the day before when Andrew, the producer, had asked my requirements for breakfast the morning of the shoot.  Hehe…..my requirements.  Of course I went total diva and asked for…..coffee.  Yep, just coffee.  I giggled like a little kid when I heard them refer to us as “the talent”.  I love my job!

So Betty Palm, the DCD President, and I were up first with an interview in San Diego.  It went well and amazingly fast!  Wow!  This is fun!  Next up we were on Breakfast With Bob a radio program in Roanoke, Va.  Tums out, Bob had lived in Huntsville for years and was a real pleasure to chat with.  After the first couple of interviews, Elizabeth stepped in to freshen our hair and make-up.  She said, “You flattened your hair on top, didn’t you?”

After a radio interview in Greenville, SC and a tv interview in Atlanta, I was able to take a break for a while and watch my fellow chocolatiers do their interviews.  We all filmed a commercial together and after completing one more tv interview with Shreveport, that wrapped up my day of interviewing.  Time to relax and let my hair down……..

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