Friday, August 16, 2013

French Silk Pie

Each week I do a “Fun Fact Friday” post on my Facebook page, Huntsville Hot Chocolates.  Frequently I’ll research and post on the history of a classic chocolate recipe.  So today I decided to research the French Silk Pie.

When I was in college we had a cook in the dining hall, Ms. Lena, who made the most awesome French Silk Pie.  College is quite honestly the first time I remember having French Silk Pie and Ms. Lena’s was amazing.  It had a flaky, buttery crust and a super rich chocolate filling.  If you saw French Silk Pie on the menu, you knew it was an important dinner or the college had special visitors on campus.  It was one of those kinds of pies.  It was only made for special occasions or company.

In my research, I found that the pie is perhaps not French at all.  The pie was actually a runner-up in the 1951 Pillsbury Bake-Off® created by a Betty Cooper of Kensington, Maryland.  That’s where my research ends.  So in an effort to find out more about how Ms. Cooper came up with the recipe, I’ve e-mailed Pillsbury to see if they can shed some light on the original entrant and recipe.  I love knowing the story behind a particular recipe especially one that achieves status as a classic.  I take inspiration from many different places and wonder what prompted this home cook to make such a decadent pie?   Was it an accidental creation?  Does she have a French connection?  Why did she enter the contest? 

I know there’s a story there, let’s just hope Pillsbury can answer.  Until then, here's a link to Ms. Cooper's original recipe.

Friday, August 2, 2013

German Chocolate Fondue

It's Fun Fact Friday!  Ever wondered where German Chocolate cake gets its name?  Well it's not a German cake at all.  The original recipe used "Baker's German's Sweet Chocolate" named after Sam German who created the special chocolate for Baker's.  

A Texas homemaker created a recipe using "Baker's German's Chocolate Cake" that was published in a Dallas paper in 1957.  General Foods then distributed the recipe to a number of other papers increasing its popularity.  Eventually the name Baker's and the "s" in German's was dropped leading to the name we all know, German Chocolate Cake.

Here's my recipe for easy German Chocolate Fondue which takes much less time to prepare than a cake.

Jenny’s German Chocolate Fondue

Recipe by Jenny Johnson

4 oz. Dove Chocolate Discoveries(tm) Chef Series Milk Chocolate

½ Packet Dove Chocolate Discoveries(tm) DCD Coconut Smoothie Mix*

½ Cup Heavy Cream

Fresh Strawberries, Marshmallows, Pretzels, Graham Crackers, etc. for dipping

Place milk chocolate and ½ the chips from the smoothie mix in a microwave safe bowl. Microwave in 20 second intervals, stirring well after each cycle, until melted. Bring cream and ½ the smoothie mix to a boil over medium low heat. While stirring, add cream mixture to chocolate. Stir until incorporated.

Serve with dippers.

*1/2 packet is 4 tablespoons of powder-The easiest way to sort the chips and powder is to sift the chips out and just “eyeball” what appears to be ½ the chips.